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BCG Vaccine

BCG Vaccine

Product Details:


Product Description

BCG Vaccine has been specifically formulated to be used as preventive measure for tuberculosis and is administered right after birth. It is also known to provide protection against non-tuberculosis mycobacterium species including leprosy. This vaccine is prepared from live attenuated bovine tuberculosis bacillus without having ability to disease human. It is considered to provide protection for as long as 15 years by producing antibodies against disease causing MTB. BCG Vaccine is also known to have ability to stop tumor progression in urinary bladder. It can also be used as an additive to various cancer vaccines for stimulating immune response in people.

Product Details:
  • Minimum Order Quantity : 1000 Unit
  • Application : Anti-Infective
  • Form Of Medicines : Injection
  • Grade standard : Medicine Grade
  • Type of Medicines : Allopathic

Uses : Bcg i.p vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis (TB)

How it works : Bcg i.p vaccine belongs to a class of medications called vaccines. It triggers bodys natural defence system and prevents tuberculosis infection. It is also stops the progression of tumors which are located in urinary bladder.

Common side effects : Frequent urge to urinate, Difficulty in urination, Injection site redness, Swelling of lymph nodes, Stomach upset, Vomiting, Chills, Fever

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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