Used to relieve pain in patient's suffering from lung and breast cancers, 250Mg Geftinat Tablet is known for its high effectiveness and ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells, thus preventing the spread of malignant tissue. Dosage depends upon various conditions including response to the therapy, medical history of patient and pre-existing health conditions. Contraindicated in patients who currently or previously suffer from cardiac disorders, renal malfunctioning, glaucoma or liver and lung disorders.
Proper medical attention must be sought in case the patient is pregnant, planning pregnancy or is breastfeeding. All prescription, non-prescription and herbal drugs being consumed must be notified prior to beginning treatment. This includes contraceptive drugs, hormonal pills and even dietary supplements. Geftinat Tablets may increase the number of complications due to interactions. Patients must refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, smoking and tobacco during the course of the treatment.
There may be a number of side effects such as headaches, blurred vision, some nausea, and some allergic rashes on the skin. However, there can be some adverse reactions as well. It is advised that even the slightest discomfort should be reported to the doctor immediately, in order to avoid complications. Some unwanted effects may be caused due to the drug, upon noticing which a doctor must be notified immediately.